Baileys Vanilla Cinnamon 1 Litre
All the great flavour of Baileys with the addition of a touch of Madagascan vanilla and cinnamon. Great in layered shots, over ice or ice cream.
All the great flavour of Baileys with the addition of a touch of Madagascan vanilla and cinnamon. Great in layered shots, over ice or ice cream.
Tasting Notes from Celtic Whiskey Shop and Wines on the Green | |
Nose | Aromas of vanilla and cinnamon. |
Tasting Notes from the Producer | |
Flavour | Rich and creamy, soft, with notes of cinnamon, whiskey and vanilla. |
Fact Sheet | |
Fluid | 100cl |
Alcohol % | 17% |
Country | Ireland |
Producer | Baileys |
Serving Suggestion | |
Serving Suggestion | Ideal for the preparation of famous cocktails, such as B532 or Irish Dream. Works great to flavour creams and pastries, or as a substitute for milk cream. A real treat to try in a steaming cup of coffee. |