Baileys Chocolat Luxe 50cl
A rich and decadent version of Baileys that combines real dairy cream with Belgian chocolate, Irish whiskey and fine spirits. A superb after dinner drink, best served over ice. Note that this is a 50cl bottle.
A rich and decadent version of Baileys that combines real dairy cream with Belgian chocolate, Irish whiskey and fine spirits. A superb after dinner drink, best served over ice. Note that this is a 50cl bottle.
Tasting Notes from the Producer | |
Flavour | A luxurious indulgence of bitter cocoa with rich, caramel tones of the original Baileys |
Fact Sheet | |
Fluid | 50cl |
Alcohol % | 15.7% |
Country | Ireland |
Serving Suggestion | |
Serving Suggestion | Best enjoyed over three cubes of ice or as a liquid dessert |
Awards and/or Press Quotes | |
Awards and/or Press Quotes | Gold medal at the San Francisco Spirits Competition in 2014 |