Grey Goose Cherry Noir 1 Litre
1 Litre
Grey Goose Cherry Noir is flavoured with natural essence of black cherries which is made using cherries sourced in from steep hillsides in the French countryside. Like the rest of the Grey Goose range the spirit here is made using French wheat and is reduced with naturally filtered spring water.
Grey Goose Cherry Noir is flavoured with natural essence of black cherries which is made using cherries sourced in from steep hillsides in the French countryside. Like the rest of the Grey Goose range the spirit here is made using French wheat and is reduced with naturally filtered spring water.
Tasting Notes from the Producer | |
Flavour | Cherries, dark red fruits, sweet cinnamon, and almonds. |
Fact Sheet | |
Fluid | 1 Litre |
Producer/Distiller | Grey Goose |
Alcohol % | 40% |
Country | France |