Micil Irish Gin
A premium Connemara gin with an extraordinary flavour — distilled with Connemara flowers and herbs including bog myrtle, hawberry, heather, and bogbean. Carefully crafted by the Micil family at Galway's only distillery, Micil Irish Gin is rich in flavour with a spicy, citrusy zing that makes it an unforgettable G&T!
A premium Connemara gin with an extraordinary flavour — distilled with Connemara flowers and herbs including bog myrtle, hawberry, heather, and bogbean. Carefully crafted by the Micil family at Galway's only distillery, Micil Irish Gin is rich in flavour with a spicy, citrusy zing that makes it an unforgettable G&T!
Tasting Notes from Celtic Whiskey Shop and Wines on the Green | |
Nose | A rich and fragrant nose, zingy citrus, notes of floral heather and bog myrtle. |
Palate | Burst of citrus, complemented by drier juniper notes with sweet notes of liquorice give way to gently warming hints of spice. |
Finish | Semi-dry, clean and fresh. |
Fact Sheet | |
Distillery | Micil Distillery, Galway |
Fluid | 70cl |
Alcohol % | 42% |
Awards and/or Press Quotes | |
Awards and/or Press Quotes | Gold - Irish Whiskey Awards 2023 World Gin Awards 2022 - Country Winner World Gin Awards 2021 - Silver - Best Contemporary Gin |