Bruichladdich Organic 1 Litre
Made from Scottish natural barley, colouring free and non-chill filtered to create a truly organic single malt Scotch. Exhibits a wonderfully fruity palate of apples, pears, lemon peel, and pineapple with some honey and vanilla from the charred oak and a little bit of spice in the finish.
Made from Scottish natural barley, colouring free and non-chill filtered to create a truly organic single malt Scotch. Exhibits a wonderfully fruity palate of apples, pears, lemon peel, and pineapple with some honey and vanilla from the charred oak and a little bit of spice in the finish.
Tasting Notes from the Producer | |
Aromas (without water) | Its fresh bouquet offers lots of fruity aromas like apple, pear, lemon peel, apricot and pineapple. Furthermore, sweet barley, some honey and vanilla from the charred oak casks add more complexity. |
Flavour | A fruity and spicy taste form a diversified character. The bourbon casks leave flavours of vanilla, honey, oak, nuts and a certain spiciness. |
Fact Sheet | |
Fluid | 100cl |
Alcohol % | 50% |
Country | Scotland |
Region/AOC | Islay |
Producer | Bruichladdich |