Boatyard Double Vodka 5cl
A superb 5cl bottle offering of Boatyard Distillery's Double Vodka. Produced in still they have named 'Dr Fusion', this vodka is made solely from Irish grown wheat. Unfiltered to allow a subtle taste of grain shine through the palate.
A superb 5cl bottle offering of Boatyard Distillery's Double Vodka. Produced in still they have named 'Dr Fusion', this vodka is made solely from Irish grown wheat. Unfiltered to allow a subtle taste of grain shine through the palate.
Tasting Notes from the Producer | |
Aromas (without water) | Creamy, with a soft caramel sweetness and a touch of citric acidity |
Flavour | Caramel sweetness dominates the palate, balanced by a touch of pithy lemon. Dark sugars follow along with soft creaminess |
Fact Sheet | |
Fluid | 5cl |
Alcohol % | 41% |
Country | Ireland |
Producer | Boatyard Distillery |